Author: mgreen

  • A Collect to Recognize When a Harvest is Ready

    A Collect to Recognize When a Harvest is Ready

    Creator God, who has made all things good for our enjoyment and yours, grant us eyes to see when the harvest is ready, that we would know when to step forward and gather the fruit that you have caused to grow for our benefit and the benefit of all those creatures you love, through your…

  • A Collect to Work With God

    A Collect to Work With God

    Almighty God, our gracious lord, grant that we would fulfill our responsibilities and trust that you would fulfill yours, that we might work together and thus bring about good in the world, participating in your mission of love and reconciliation, through Jesus Christ our savior, who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit in light…

  • A Collect to Trust in God’s Understanding and Goodness

    A Collect to Trust in God’s Understanding and Goodness

    All-knowing Father, who understands the mysteries of the universe, let us not despair when we do not understand, but grant us grace to trust in your works and your goodness towards us, through Jesus Christ our Redeemer, who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit in prefect unity forever and ever. Amen. ‘He also said,…

  • A Collect to Accept Consequences

    A Collect to Accept Consequences

    Lord God Almighty, who has spoken truth to us from the beginning, teach us to accept the consequences of our actions, whether wise or foolish, yet show us mercy when we have chosen poorly that we might yet rise to praise you again, through Jesus Christ our Savior, who intercedes for us before your throne…

  • A Collect to Warn the Foolish

    A Collect to Warn the Foolish

    God of wisdom, who knows the end from the beginning, grant us the courage to warn those who choose a foolish path, that they might perhaps turn them from their folly and choose that which leads to you and to life, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who taught us what is good and true and…

  • A Collect to Not Take Rejection Personally

    A Collect to Not Take Rejection Personally

    Spirit of the Lord, great counselor and voice of wisdom, help us to not take it personally when other reject us, that we might see beyond our hurt emotions to the reality of what is before us and be able to discern clearly your will, through Jesus Christ our savior, who rescued us from the…

  • A Collect to Walk Always Within the Will of God

    A Collect to Walk Always Within the Will of God

    Lord Jesus Christ, who showed us the way to the Father, keep us walking within the will of God, that we would be among those called your brothers and sisters and thus heirs of the kingdom of the Father, through you who reigns high over all things with the Father and Holy Spirit in glory.…

  • A Collect for Forgiveness

    A Collect for Forgiveness

    Gracious God, whose nature is always to show mercy, forgive us for all that we have done wrong against you and against our neighbor, that we might be reconciled and seek to restore the relationships that give us life, through Jesus Christ our Savior, who gave himself as sacrifice and ascended to reign with you…

  • A Collect for Release from the Grip of Evil

    A Collect for Release from the Grip of Evil

    Lord God Almighty, against whom no one can prevail, bind the accuser and the forces that seek to trap and ensnare us, that we might be released from captivity and be free to serve you and all those whom you love, through Jesus Christ our redeemer, who gave himself for our sake and was raised…

  • A Collect to Be United

    A Collect to Be United

    Gracious God, whose ways are love and peace and joy, keep us from fighting against one another and tearing apart your church and all your children, that we would not destroy ourselves but rather seek to strengthen and understand one another and so live by the ways of your heavenly kingdom, through Jesus Christ our…