Author: mgreen

  • A Collect to Open Our Hearts Freely to Christ

    A Collect to Open Our Hearts Freely to Christ

    Loving teacher, who is patient with us and our fears, grant us courage to tell you whatever is on our hearts, trusting that you will receive it with gentleness and respect, that our faith and trust in you would be ever strengthened, and we would feel increasingly secure in your perfect love, through you who…

  • A Collect to Trust in Jesus’s Love

    A Collect to Trust in Jesus’s Love

    Gentle savior, who knows our hearts and judges us not, help us to not be ashamed and hide from you whatever it is that we fear, but grant us faith and trust in your goodness and your eagerness to forgive and help us always, through you who loved us to the end and now intercedes…

  • A Collect to Bless Others

    A Collect to Bless Others

    Lord and Father, who has blessed us with all good things, grant us the strength to put far from our mouths words that curse our brothers and sisters, that even if difficulty we might still bless those around us and so follow in your loving footsteps, through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with…

  • A Collect to Attend to Small Things

    A Collect to Attend to Small Things

    Spirit of truth, who knows our words before they reach our mouths, help us to not dismiss the small things, knowing that such things may grow great in time and may reveal truths to which you would have us attend, through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns forever in you with the Father in…

  • A Collect to Speak Well

    A Collect to Speak Well

    Spirit of the Lord, who knows the thoughts and intentions of all people, teach us to be careful with what we speak so that we would do good with our words and put forth into the world blessings as you have blessed us, through Christ our redeemer who lives and reigns with you and the…

  • A Collect to Not be Ashamed of Christ

    A Collect to Not be Ashamed of Christ

    Lord Jesus, who took on great shame upon the cross, keep us from being ashamed of you and your life, that we might not shame you yet more and would speak of your goodness openly to the world, through you who now reigns in glory forever with the Father and Holy Spirit. Amen. “Those who…

  • A Collect to Eschew Clinging

    A Collect to Eschew Clinging

    Great teacher, who knows the ways of the world and of our hearts, keep us from clinging to our desires and needs and very lives, and grant that we would be secure enough in you to let go and receive back more than we would lose, through you who gave yourself for our sake and…

  • A Collect to Deny Ourselves When Christ Calls Us

    A Collect to Deny Ourselves When Christ Calls Us

    Our brother Jesus, who took up your cross for our sakes, grant us the strength to deny ourselves when you call us to, that we might not cling to our desires and false beliefs, but let go of that which prevents us from receiving what you offer, through you who died and was raised to…

  • A Collect to Embrace God’s Mission

    A Collect to Embrace God’s Mission

    Our Father in heaven, whose ways are far above our ways, help us to let go of earthly and lesser things and to embrace your ways, that we might not impede what you are about, but understand the work you do and join in your mission of reconciliation in the world, through Christ our example,…

  • A Collect to Do Good in the World

    A Collect to Do Good in the World

    Spirit of God, who abides with us and in us, enflame our faith so that it would turn into action, that we would not merely speak of the good, but would enact the good in the world, making your will a reality and fulfilling your desires for all your children, through Christ our savior who…