A Collect to Remember God’s Goodness
God of glory, who has done and will continue to do great things for the people you love, call us to remember always your goodness, that whether in good times or bad, our spirits would be buoyed with joy at your love and generosity, through Christ our savior, who gave himself for us and now…
A Collect to be Immersed in the Spirit of Christ
Great Jesus Christ, before whom we are not worthy to stand, immerse us in your Spirit, that we would be made clean and pure, able to abide in your presence and ready to be made useful for whatever you have prepared for us, through you who reigns over all things at the right hand of…
A Collect for Contentment
Lord of all creation, who has provided good things for all those whom you love, help us to be content with what you have given, that we would not hoard and steal from others nor find security and joy only in the things of this world but rest secure in your ways and your treasures…
A Collect to Eschew Abusing Our Power
Great Counsellor, the very presence of God with us, keep far from us the temptation to abuse our authority, that we would tend well those you have placed in our care and keep ourselves pure from selfishness and greed and all those things that defy your will and your nature, through Christ our Lord, who…
A Collect to Give
Holy Lord, who created all things for the good of your children, keep us from miserliness and the hoarding of your gifts, that we would give to those in need and allow our goods to flow freely from our hands in the name of doing good to all those whom you love, through Christ our…
A Collect to Bear Real Fruit
High king of heaven, who stepped down from your throne to walk amidst your people, do not let us trust in our status or religion or any earthly thing for our goodness, but help us to turn our hearts towards your ways, that we would bring forth true good into the world, through you who…
A Collect to Bear Good Fruit
Lord Jesus, who will return again at the appointed time, help us to prepare well the soil of our souls, to plant good seed, and to work faithfully and well, that our hearts would produce the virtuous fruit that comes through you who reigns over all things in glory with the Father and Holy Spirit,…
A Collect to See What Really Matters
Spirit of wisdom, who speaks to us the truth, grant us insight into what really matters, that we might dedicate ourselves to those things that are good and true and so further your good work in the world and purify ourselves from all that is not of you, through Christ our redeemer who live and…
A Collect to Pair Love with Understanding
Gracious Father, who created us all out of your great desire and overflowing love, grant us understanding of you and your ways, that our love for you and for all might grow and become true to your nature and desires for us and for your creation, through Christ our Lord, who reigns in mercy and…
A Collect to Remember Those Who Have Supported Us
Spirit of truth, who guides us in the ways of wisdom and love, call to our minds those who have encouraged and supported us along the way, that we would be filled with joy at the memory of those trustworthy and caring people and receive strength to continue along the path you have set out…