
  • A Collect to Live According to Jesus’s Teachings

    A Collect to Live According to Jesus’s Teachings

    Rabbi Jesus, our teacher and guide to life as you intended it to be, teach us how to live according to your words and your ways, that we might live within your great love and receive through you the boundless delight and joy of the Father, through you who remained within the Father’s love on…

  • A Collect to Receive Love and So Love

    A Collect to Receive Love and So Love

    Loving Father, who created us to share in your perfect relationships with the Son and Holy Spirit, may we receive always, moment by moment, your gracious and overflowing love, that in receiving such largesse, we might in turn love others as we are loved, through your beloved son who rejoices with you and the Holy…

  • A Lenten Collect to Know the Lord Deeply

    A Lenten Collect to Know the Lord Deeply

    Lord God Almighty, who reigns in the highest heavens, write your law on our hearts, that we would know you deeply and we would walk with you in peace and love all of our days, through Jesus Christ our Lord, by whom we have access to your throne through the presence of your Holy Spirit.…

  • A Lenten Collect for All to be Drawn to Jesus

    A Lenten Collect for All to be Drawn to Jesus

    Lord Jesus, who willingly gave yourself to the cross for the sake of those you love, draw the hearts of the world toward your ways and your goodness, that the Kingdom of Heaven might fill the earth and all would bless you and one another in a spirit of peace, joy, and love, through you…

  • A Lenten Collect to Remain Steadfast Even in Struggle

    A Lenten Collect to Remain Steadfast Even in Struggle

    Jesus, you who walked into suffering for those whom you love, grant us the steadfastness to continue towards what is right even in the face of struggle and pain, trusting that as you walked according to the Father’s plan, so we also may abide in the Father’s good will, through you who now reigns in…

  • A Lenten Collect to Serve Jesus

    A Lenten Collect to Serve Jesus

    Lord Jesus, who serves the Father before all things, incline our hearts to likewise serve you, that you may be honored by our lives and our deeds and we might receive honor from the Father in this life and the next, through you who served until the end and was raised to new life to…