Meet Matthew
Hi, I’m Matthew Green. I study theology and neuroscience with an eye toward how God designed us and what that means for growing into Christ’s likeness. It’s Christian spirituality with a neuroscientific twist. I earned a Ph.D. from the Toronto School of Theology where my studies explored how Dallas Willard understood emotion in Christian life and growth and how contemporary neuroscience can clarify and expand on Willard’s ideas.
I also studied spiritual growth at The Institute for Spiritual Formation at Biola University. My thesis examined suffering and growth, where I designed a 5 week small-group study on a right relationship with pain (I’ve noticed there haven’t been a lot of people knocking down my door to take their group through it; I can’t imagine why!).

Along the way, I’ve also studied and taught spirituality, mathematics, physics, and psychology. I’ve dabbled in art, neurobiology, and astronomy, and various other topics. I still have a love for science documentaries and spiritual formation books alike, but perhaps one of the most important things I have learned is that what is lived is more important than what is learned, and this is crucial when it comes to your relationships with God and other people.
In moments between all the scholarly this ‘n’ that, I dabble in paper sculpture, gemology, and glass etching; reminisce about the fir trees of the Pacific Northwest; and engage in a love-hate relationship with my laptop. My wife and I live in the Toronto area, where she serves as assistant at the local cathedral, offers spiritual direction and supervision, and leads Play Without Ceasing retreats both locally and internationally, introducing Christians to use play as a means of interacting with God and others in a safe, joyful environment.