A Collect to Be and Remain “Salty”

Great teacher, who holds all the wisdom of creation, keep us from becoming indistinguishable from the world, that the world might see your children and be drawn to you, attracted to the goodness of your kingdom and the love that you share with all who will receive, through you who reigns in glory with the Father and Holy Spirit forever. Amen. “You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled under foot.” – Matthew 5:13 Lord, in what ways are you calling me to be different from the world? In what ways have I given in to the ways of the culture around me that are not like your kingdom and its citizens? Are there ways that my values are not those that you showed to Israel and called your chosen people to spread to all nations? Give me a humble heart to listen for your voice now, to admit to any ways that I have failed to become or remain “salty”, and to receive the healing that you offer in your tender love.