Gracious Father, who works us like a potter works clay, help us to accept how you are forming us and allow ourselves to be shaped by your hands, that we would come out as a vessel useful to you and your household, pleasing to you and all those we shall serve, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives with you and the Holy Spirit in perfect union, now and forever. Amen. ” Yet, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.” – Isa. 64:8 Are there ways that you may be resisting how God is shaping you? Is it difficult to thank God for the circumstances that are forming you lately? Or do your circumstances feel like they are pleasant in their molding of you? If you were a clay pot, where do you think God would have you in the forming process? Is he adding pressure to shape you, adding embellishments or decorations, or even pressing hard to start over and shape you anew? Can you trust Him wherever He is at in the process?